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Metabolic Wellness Coaching

Discover The Root Cause of Your Health Concerns

metabolic wellness coaching

Are you...

  • Struggling to make sense of your symptoms and tired of Googling endless quick fixes that don’t actually work?

  • Doing “everything right” but still suffering from your symptoms?

  • Just starting your wellness journey and feeling confused and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there?

  • Feeling totally lost with no idea where to start?


I offer comprehensive functional lab testing and analysis and one-on-one coaching to give you a clear, personalized understanding of what’s really happening in your body.

Together, we’ll cut through the noise and focus on sustainable wellness so you can feel strong, balanced, and confident in your body.

I have flexible options available to support you in what you need.

I’m currently offering functional lab analysis to help you get to the root cause of your health concerns and symptoms as quickly as possible. Understanding what’s happening in your body is the most efficient way to cut out the noise so that we can focus on what will make the biggest difference for you (rather than just what’s trendy right now). 


Some people are total self-starters and will feel confident running with their personalized recommendations on their own right off the bat, which is great! But I also know this can be a lot to do alone, especially if you’re still early in your journey! 

That’s why I also offer one, three, and six-month coaching packages. These packages allow me to continue to be a resource and offer additional support for you while you start making big changes in your life.

These coaching packages allow us to make tweaks and adjustments that are individual to you and where you are in the healing process.

Dana Horning in front of a laptop
figs in a dish

What’s Included...

My coaching packages include an initial, extensive nutritional, lifestyle, and symptom assessment (including food and movement logs), which you’ll complete before our initial call. Our initial call is a 90-minute session to discuss your symptoms and health priorities and determine what areas you want to focus on and where you need help and improvement.

We’ll also discuss what functional labs might be most appropriate for you. Based on this session, I’ll create a custom plan to help you achieve symptom relief and long-term wellness.


Any clients who wish to order functional labs will receive their applicable lab kits after our initial call. You’ll have two weeks from receipt of your lab kits to return your samples for analysis by the lab. Once received, I’ll analyze your lab results and provide you with a video explanation and a document with your custom diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.

I’m currently offering the following packages:

For all of these packages, you’ll have unlimited email support during the time we’re working together (or for two weeks after receipt of your function lab analysis, whichever is longer).


You can order a single test or any combination of the following:

HTMA, GI Map, DUTCH (Hormone Testing), Comprehensive Blood Testing


This option is best for those who have been following pro-metabolic foundational health principles for at least three to six months and mainly want to focus on ordering functional lab tests and setting up a plan, but don’t feel they need as much support in implementing the recommendations.


Includes two additional 45-minute biweekly Zoom calls and two biweekly (on the opposite weeks from the Zoom calls) email check-ins from me.


Includes six additional 45-minute biweekly Zoom calls and six biweekly (on the opposite weeks from the Zoom calls) email check-ins from me.


Includes twelve additional 45-minute biweekly Zoom calls and twelve biweekly (on the opposite weeks from the Zoom calls) email check-ins from me.

How It Works

If you’re ready to make big changes and see real results in your life, please reach out!


Once I receive your information, I’ll email you to get started and send you a link to complete payment. I will also send you the initial assessment and explanations on recording your food and movement log. Once I have that information, we can schedule your 90-minute consultation call and really start digging in!

Even more important, healing takes time.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but you didn’t get where you are now overnight, and you won’t become symptom-free and get your body in balance overnight, either.

Additionally, I firmly believe that your health is in your hands. I want to support and empower you to help you achieve everything you want. However, everything I recommend is still 100% dependent on you sticking with our plan and believing in yourself and your body’s ability to heal. 


That said, I want to make sure you are 100% satisfied with working with me. I never want anyone to feel they weren’t supported in our time together, that they didn’t know what to expect, or that their expectations were not met. So, if you ever feel that any of these things have happened, please reach out to me, and I will do whatever is needed to help you feel satisfied with your experience!

Dana Horning smiling in her kitchen

I can help! I’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions about my wellness coaching approach, functional lab testing, and how I can support your health journey.

  • How does the testing work?
    Once we're ready to proceed with the lab testing, I'll send you everything you need (including detailed instructions for each type of testing you've ordered) to complete the testing. The only testing that requires you to go somewhere is the comprehensive lab analysis. You'll need to schedule an appointment with Labcorp to have blood drawn. All the other testing can be done at home and shipped out using the pre-labeled mailers I'll provide.
  • How can I communicate with you while we're working together?
    Outside of your coaching calls, we'll communicate over email and you can reach out if you have any questions, issues or just need some additional help or support! If you're ordering lab testing with me, you can email me any questions during your coaching session or for two weeks after receipt of your results if we're not currently working together in a one-on-one capacity.
  • Can I order testing more than once?
    Absolutely. I don't generally advise testing too often because it takes time to see some of these changes, and I don't want you to waste your money, but there are situations where it's appropriate to retest in six months or so. Additionally, annual testing can be beneficial for making changes and tweaks to continue optimizing your health over time. If we've worked together in the past, you can always retest with me for a reduced fee.
  • Do you only work with women?
    Women are my primary demographic. There’s so much information out there targeted at women that it leaves us feeling confused and depleted. That said, if we’re working together and you want to run testing on a partner/spouse or child, I’m happy to consider that on an individual basis. Definitely reach out, and we can discuss it!
  • What if I’m totally new to wellness coaching and lab testing?
    That’s awesome! I LOVE working with people just starting to prioritize their health and wellness. Honestly, as with many things in life, when you’re new to something, that’s often (although not always) where you can see results the most quickly. There are so many changes you can make to help you live a healthier life and I am so here for that! I want to help you cut out the extras and focus on the basics so that you can know what it feels like to really feel good every day.
  • How long will it take to see results?
    I know this is the worst, most lawyerly answer ever, but it depends! I won’t ever promise results you’ll see or tell you definitively how long something will take because I believe bio-individuality plays a huge role in healing. But as a general rule, I think most people will start to see changes in three to six months, depending on where you start and what your goals are. While I’m not a doctor or allopathic practitioner, I will help you focus on symptom relief if necessary to get you feeling as good as possible while we work on your long-term health.
  • Can you use functional lab testing to treat my [insert diagnosis here]?
    Nope! I am not a doctor or any other medical provider. I do not diagnose or treat disease. My goal as an Integrative Metabolic Wellness Practitioner is to help you find balance in your body so that your body can heal itself. We use functional lab testing to determine what might be out of balance in your body and then focus first on food and lifestyle changes (with the help of supplements, if needed) to bring your body back into balance. Always discuss with your medical provider before starting any new health regime (especially if you’re on any prescribed medications).
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